Preventative Care
The dental hygienist will review a full medical history and chart all existing restorations in the mouth on your first visit. Any necessary radiographs will be taken using digital x-rays, which ensure the lowest possible dose of radiation that exists in the field of oral radiographs. The teeth and supporting structures are thus able to be thoroughly visualized, allowing us to perform a detailed oral examination and provide a complete diagnosis and treatment plan. The dental cleaning, including scaling and polishing (prophylaxis) will then be performed. A hygiene appointment may also include a fluoride treatment, Velscope examination (cancer screening of the oral cavity), and sealants for children. Homecare instruction and education are provided to each patient so that optimal dental care may be maintained after leaving the dental office.
Fluoride treatments are given to children up to the age of 16. Adults may receive this treatment as well if the caries (decay) is high or if they have very sensitive teeth. Fluoride is applied topically (brushed onto the surfaces of the teeth).
Sealants are highly effective for children to prevent decay on the occlusal (biting) surfaces of the teeth. Placement is a simple procedure in which a tooth colored acrylic coating is painted onto the biting surface and then light cured. This effectively “seals” the deep grooves and acts as a barrier against plaque and acids.
Hygiene recall appointments are scheduled at the completion of the appointment. These usually occur twice a year, or more often if deemed necessary.